Solo show, Art au Centre Gallery, Laval (FR), 2019.
With the contributions of Simona Rossi and Adrian Owen.


The Speech, The Wolf, The Landscape, The Hunter And The Dictator.
Installation with three HD Films. 2019. With the contribution of Simona Rossi. Music composition: Adrian Owen.

This exhibition encapsulates a preliminary chapter in my research about the fascination and fear surrounding the wolf as it naturally re-colonizes our territories after its eradication in most of Europe. This work has to do with modern myth, when the saying “man is a wolf to man” is more true than ever, I probe the idea of cohabitation as the world becomes less habitable. With more climate refugees to come, there is an urge to change our relational modes. Calling to mind a magician’s dexterity, I focus on the dynamic aspect of appearing and disappearing. C.L.

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-scenes and anthropos-
Installation with 300 plaster mushrooms (coll. from the Laval Science Museum) and 2 photographs mounted on the wall, 285 x 260 cm – 280 x 260 cm, 2019. 

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The Snake Charmer (after the painting by the French painter Henri Rousseau)
Oil pastel on wallpaper (taken from Porte Beucheresse in Laval), where Henri Rousseau was born, 91 x 70 cm, 2019.


Porte Beucheresse is a historical building in downtown Laval, where the painter Henri Rousseau was born. Only one part of the building is occupied: by a gallery where I was about to have my solo show. While visiting the space, I was able to access the abandoned part of the medieval building. Despite the fact that the naive painter produced a major work composed of exotic landscapes and animals, he traveled very little in his life, borrowing his inspiration directly from the Natural Science Museums collections. I am equally fascinated by these museums, that I regularly solicit for my work. As a tribute to Rousseau, I was able to withdrawn some old wallpapers coming from his birthplace, on which I interpreted one of his famous paintings: The Snake Charmer. As if to re-activate its charm, I dreamed that the sound of the flute could tame our fears and change the course of things. C.L.




R&R (From Capitole to Capital) 
Peluches, fourrures synthétiques, masques, impression offset, 2019.




Ch(i)aine de vie
Installation: wooden shelves, neon lights, skeletons (coll. Laval Sciences Museum), 4m x 70cm x 2,20m, 2019.




The Beast
2min31 (loop), 2019.
Translation and text: Christine Laquet (freely inspired from the book “Carnet sans bord” by Lili Frikh). Voice and sound composition : Adrian Owen.

View from DIS-APPEAR-RE-APPEAR-, solo show, Art au Centre Gallery, Laval (FR), 2019.



Dry pastel painting by Louis and Bernard Laquet (67 x 53 cm, ap. 1983), giant seashell (Ostreoidea), headphones and
soundtrack (Story transmitted by Christine Laquet, written by Isabelle Marchand, voice of Céline Guétaz and Didier Maignan and sound creation Yann Mainguy), 3min07, 2019.